2007 m. lapkričio 29 d., ketvirtadienis


What was your dream? All of us hear this question quite often through out our life. Why are dreams so important? And what are dreams at all?

We spend 1/3 of our life on sleeping. 20% of this time we are dreaming. We have 2-3 dreams for one hour when we are dreaming. If we spend so much time on dreaming it means that it’s very important for us.

When we are dreaming we process the daily information. Without dreaming information couldn’t go from short-term to long-term memory. So we can’t learn without dreaming. Dreams are also extremely important for our instincts’ perfection. The majority of our dreams are unpleasant, we are dreaming about mean situations. Nervous system is working like when we are not sleeping while we’re dreaming. After that when extreme situation recures in the real life we can react faster.

Dreams are very important part of our life. So pay attention if you are sleeping enough and.. sweet dreams. :)


All of us are scared of something. And it’s quite normal. But if fear becomes very big and person can’t live normally with it, it can be quite hard and dangerous in some cases.

Phobia is an irrational, intense, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities, or persons. There is a huge number of phobias. People are afraid almost about everything- from butterflies to sitting. It can be related with every field of person’s life.

Some interesting phobias:

· Ailurophobia - an abnormal and persistent fear of cats. The most famous person who suffered from this phobia was Napoleon Bonaparte.

· Eisoptrophobia- an abnormal and persistent fear of mirrors. Famous person with this phobia is Pamela Anderson.

· Christianophobia- fear or hatred of Christians or Christianity.

· Ephebophobia- fear of youth or adolescents.

There are lots of methods for people who suffer from phobia to recover. The most popular are psychotherapy and hypnosis. So if you are extremely scared of something- visit your psychotherapist and your life would become easier.

Don’t be scared. ;)

2007 m. lapkričio 26 d., pirmadienis

My role model

Now I will talk about the person who did really big influence on me.

The person who had the biggest influence on my personality for the last few years is my friend from Latvia Lena. We met eight years ago when she opened her business in Vilnius. When she comes here she lives at my place. She knows me really well. We are good friends. I can talk with her about everything.

She taught me how to fight with stress. She had changed my oppinion on lots of stressful situations. It really helped me to pass my exams with good results. She taught me how to attain my aims. I achieved a lot of my desires after that. She also greatly changed my outlook and view on people who are around me.

I think that I wouldn’t be like now without influence of Lena. She really changed my live. She still has a big influence on me. And I think that she’ll influence me in the future too.