2008 m. kovo 20 d., ketvirtadienis

Body language

Body language is a very important part of communication. If we pay enought attention to how a person conducts himself we could say a lot about he's emotions and what does he truly think. Here are few examples of how we should understand some signals and postures:

Gesture: Brisk, erect walk
Meaning: Confidence

Gesture: Standing with hands on hips
Meaning: Readiness, aggression

Gesture: Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly
Meaning: Boredom

Gesture: Sitting, legs apart
Meaning: Open, relaxed

Gesture: Arms crossed on chest
Meaning: Defensiveness

Gesture: Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched
Meaning: Dejection

Gesture: Hand to cheek
Meaning: Evaluation, thinking

Gesture: Touching, slightly rubbing nose
Meaning: Rejection, doubt, lying

Gesture: Rubbing the eye
Meaning: Doubt, disbelief

Gesture: Hands clasped behind back
Meaning: Anger, frustration, apprehension

3 komentarai:

Rokas rašė...

Though it is interesting you should write more. There are so many more gestures that you hadn't discribed yet.

Ignytte rašė...

It was interesting to read about body language meaning, but I found some mistakes in your writing and also, it would be a good idea to write down references :)

dbesagirskaite rašė...

It is nice to find some specific gestures ant their meanings, but it could me more.